Phase I

Phase I

Phase I of Dual Pay System
 "The Exact Blueprint to Financial Freedom"
Our 2015 Business Plan

Commit to Build an Income Quickly

Three Days to Close 4 Members
is the key in "Launching Your Business"

The Above video explains our Phase I System

 - New $175 Plan Starts -

1st - Launch Your Business is the Key to Exploding Your Wealth - Within your first 3 days or less, you should be Fully Qualified (fQ). That's a total of 4 new Business Partners.

*** Spend $15 Bucks - Get Your Unlimited Daily Leads for Life >>> ***

This way you are experiencing $175 or more in profit in your first week. Your story to others is felt because you are receiving real cash paid directly into your PayPal account. Make it Real to You and Your Family. Don't Quit....

To be effective in your marketing, you need to be in all three levels ($25, $50, & $100) in our programs ASAP. This way you are truly helping people find what they are looking for. People are looking for Cash Flow, not a measly $25. 

Ask yourself a question, can $25 fix your financial problems? If not, why are you trying to teach that to people that really need some financial support. Don't cheat them. 

Total Business Expense is: $175 which is Cheap
30 Business Partners = $5,250 a month income
$60,000 a Year!

2nd - Now You're Ready for Phase II of our "Massive Leverage System (MLS)" that will explode your Wealth - This is the exact Blueprint to wealth. This is a Million Dollar System and you can find financial wealth without selling products or services. Not dealing with changing of Comp Plans from the MLM System.  

All Monies are paid via Member to Member in both Phases. So no back office or CEO taking your income to disburse later. We receive Cash Flow on a Daily Basis.

By Combining Phase 1 & Phase II of our Blue-Print. You'll build tremendous cashflow as long as your members are with you. I have personally have members with me for over 4 years. This system is powerful. 

Build it, never quit and the cashflow will be coming to you & your family for years.
In Phase II, you'll be upgrading into the PLS Marketing system where you'll be generating even more cash flow. Even if you never create a web page. You'll be generating a significant amount of income.

You have the power of the 3 Phase System at our finger tips. You're following a proven system that will produce your financial goals. All you have to do is follow the system without deviation.
"Everything from this Point is Built from this Stage"
"Follow the 2015 Business Plan without Deviation and You'll Win"

3rd - 
Join our Phase III Now - Sign Up as a Free Member
Join "Karatbars" now without Delay. Why? You're apart of a Power Leg from the team. So the earlier you start, you're down-line is growing. 

Look at the 2nd video on our Phase III so you set your placement to the "Left" as instructed.

4th - Prepare for Phase II - Cash Leveraging System
This is where we'll increase our Cash Flow with other 3rd Party Companies. These systems are setup as a Matrix System. No matter how they spin it, its not 100% commission. This is why its apart of our Phase II. 

We'll start with $500 so build your Phase I system first. This way you are using the funds from the system and not from your pocket. With that being said, get your Phase I to about $3,000 or more a month.

"Our Team Activates both Packages"

                "Procrastination Kills Wealth"

Team Support and Manager:  wallstreet580

Add More Cash Flow: Referrer: Forex
Connect with me: 
skype: forex_172
mrktng lead system:
phone:  980.349.5716